Captain Marvel

Nafeesa Moloobhoy does nothing in half measures. In 2001, when she wanted to take over the running of a 90-year-old AS Moloobhoy Group, she decided she would use a spare peon’s stool – the one with no backrest and a hard wooden seat – till she learns the ropes. She believed that her staff knew better than her, so she would listen closely. True to her word, she got a slightly better chair only after two to three years. Meanwhile, she worked across departments, be it marketing, taxation, law, supply chain or sales, to understand the ins and outs of the company.

When the reins of the 115-year old maritime manufacturing and servicing company were handed over to her, there were doubters. But Moloobhoy plowed on, with a stubborn will and an endearing self-assuredness, and proved each detractor wrong.

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