Let us not, for once, link saris with traditionalism and walk the trodden part. Let’s skip the ethnic and cultural aspects of the garment for the moment, forget the notions of history and heritage associated […]

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For any tea fanatic (and India has many), the knowledge that every drawn-out slurp is laden with a host of toxins from the incessant spraying of unapproved pesticides can be alarming. The outcome of an […]

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The person who came up with the idea of jackets knew what she was talking about. Very few other articles of clothing are singularly able to exude the mix of power, authority, style and femininity […]

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What do you look for when you board a flight to your much-awaited holiday destination? An unexplored adventure? Sampling a new cuisine? Or returning with more luggage than you left with? Whatever it is that […]

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