Married off as a student, she went on to become the “Mrs. Bector” of bakery products and condiments: Meet Rajni Bector

Her family faced the aftermath of partition, which forced them to come to Delhi from Lahore. Married off to a businessman in Ludhiana, while doing her graduation, she attended courses related to food or cooking that were available in Ludhiana and soon started her own catering business, which saw success overnight.

With support and encouragement from multiple people, she installed a hand churner and then set up a small ice cream unit in her house with Rs.20,000. Being a particular man, Bector’s husband advised her to register the business under a brand and thus Cremica was born. With no advertisement and only though word of mouth, her bakery attracted a fair amount of customers.

As the politics of Punjab turned muddier, her food business supported the family. Within years, it  grew with separate biscuit and ice cream plants around the city. The business saw a boom with clients such as McDonalds and Quaker Oats signing on. The business, being divided among her three sons, it pegged at around Rs.7 billion and the company’s mainstay market for its B2C products business continue to be northwest India including Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal and Haryana.

Success came with criticism both at home and outside, for doing something unconventional at a time when women were meant to confine themselves at home. But she didn’t let this stand in her way. A follower of Aurobindo and The Mother, she feels that there is no shortcut to success. “Work is worship. That is what Mother teaches us in her writings. I’ve followed that all my life. My passion for food and my taste buds brought me this far. I still taste, select, and approve recipes for our products,” she says.

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